Longside School Background Information
Longside Primary School is situated in the village of Longside and serves the catchment area of the village and the surrounding rural area. The school is fourteen years old – a PPP (Public Private Partnership) building. The school is non-denominational. A number of pupils who live outwith the catchment area also attend the school.
The school building has eight classrooms, a General Purpose room, a large PE hall (where lunch is served from our “in house” kitchen), Meeting Room and administration accommodation. The school also has Early Years (3-4yrs) accommodation, which comprises classroom with outdoor facilities attached.
Outside, there is a large tarmac play area and a large field area, as well as a wildlife garden, an area of outdoor play equipment and a quiet seated area.
Longside School provides education for children aged 3 – 12. The current roll is 156 and 34 pre-school children. There is a new housing development on the outskirts of the village. The school has seven full time equivalent teaching staff and a non-teaching Head Teacher. The position of Principal Teacher for the Mintlaw CSN is held by Mrs V. Willox who is based within Longside School. Mrs Willox teaches a class for three days and has a remit for development work for Longside School (0.1 FTE) and for Mintlaw Cluster Schools (0.1 FTE). One of our teachers, Miss Ingram, is currently seconded for 1 day a week to a PT post (Principal Teacher of Numeracy for Mintlaw Area). Visiting Specialist teachers come into most classes to allow staff to have their non-class contact time. Currently there is provision for Art and Design, Drama, and MLPS (French/German/Spanish). Additional Support for Learning staff come to school twice weekly from Mintlaw Academy. Teaching staff are supported in class by Pupil Support Assistants. P.S.A.s also support pupils in the playground. We have an Early Years Lead Practitioner (Ms. J Lyon); there is also an Early Years Lead Practitioner and four other EYPs currently working in our pre-school setting. There is an Administrator and two Clerical Assistants. Cleaners and Janitorial staff are employed by Robertson Construction.
Community links are a valued part of school life. The Head Teacher is a member of the Community Council. There are strong links with the local church, the Legion and Aden Park.
The school has an active and well supported Parent Council. Parents and Carers are encouraged to become involved in the work of the school. Through the School House Groups, Pupil Parliament & Class Reps, Eco work and the Health promoting School group pupils are involved in the work of the school and its improvement.
Several after school clubs are run by staff and parents. This year the school offers Gardening, J Rock Challenge, Football, Badminton, Netball, Arts & Crafts and Code Club; other clubs are led by Active Schools. In the evenings, when school clubs are not booked in, school is used by Beavers and Cubs and Active Schools.
The school operates its budget in line with Aberdeenshire Authority guidelines to support planned school improvements. In June 2011 the school and nursery received a positive report from HMIe.
On leaving Longside School, pupils transfer to Mintlaw Academy. A further ten primary schools (all in the Mintlaw Community Schools Network) transfer to Mintlaw Academy.
Creating an ethos of achievement is central to what we do in Longside School and we work hard to establish an environment in which all our pupils, staff and members of our community are able to fulfil their full potential and expectations. Staff and pupils enjoy working together in a lovely new, purpose built school building.
Start Time – 9.00am
Finishing Time – 3.15pm
John Imlah
Longside School
22 Inn Brae
AB42 4TP
01779 403700