
Welcome to Longside Nursery School

At Longside Nursery we value ‘Learning Through Play’ and therefore ensure that the environment is inviting to promote children’s curiosity, wonder and imagination. The learning environment both indoors and outdoors provides challenges and opportunities to explore learning possibilities. The Nursery allows for free access to all our rich materials that help promote open-ended opportunities for children to make a choice about their own learning.

We have our offers ample space for children’s needs and a wide range of resources including natural ‘loose parts’ (materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, and taken apart put back together in multiple ways) which support children to develop their creativity. There are areas that offer calm and quiet, spaces for the children to relax in.

Our outdoor environment offers a variety of levels and surfaces such as grass, mud, sand and tarmac. These allow children to develop their sense of dexterity as they explore the natural environment while investigating trees, hills and stumps. Children have free flow access to the garden throughout the day.


Nursery Handbook